Saturday, February 15, 2014

Because of Edel

When you’ve been reading blogs pretty much since their invention, starting one is a little dautnting. Before the book of facs and instant grams and when tweets came from birds, I was reading.

I was reading Jen before she was Catholic, when it was something about Et Tu? I read Deb before I had any idea she was a cook - when she seemed like a real life Sex in the City character to my single southern girlness. I’ve wanted to win a trip to Ree’s lodge for years. I’ve been lurking around the internet with the best of them.

So starting one myself. Putting it out there. Doing the time. Writing the words. Well, it just seems like everyone says things. A lot of things. So what does the internet need one more of MY bloggerishness? Probably not. But then I signed up Edel Gathering.

Like I said, I’ve been following Jen for probably 7 or 8 years. So when she and Hallie announced they were putting together this Catholicish Mommyish event, I almost peed myself.

And my sweet husband, knowing how much these people are a part of my life, said OK. I woke up the morning of February 12th with an angry toddler and a fighting first grader. I  had slept through both my two, get-your-lazy-butt-to-the-gym-alarms. I scratched my husband’s truck as I backed out to head to work. I drove into the parking lot thinking, “Oh well. All my people will be in Austin this summer. And I’ll be just up the road in Dallas. I’ll survive.”

But it worked out. I got a precious ticket. Yeah!

It occurred to me as the days went on - as I texted my sisters and called my mom - hmmmm...I’m going to this. And the introverted part of me started to worry. I just signed up and paid good money to go to a weekend long party with people that I don’t actually KNOW.

Ok, I will know a couple. Probably. Dwija and I knew each other in college. We had mutual friends with her and I backpacked through Spain with her sister-in-law. But we didn’t like HANG - unfortunately! And I feel like I know Jen, and Hallie and Grace…and through their blogs, I sort of to a degree, DO. BUT there’s a huge gaping problem: they don’t know me and some of them are borderline CELEBRITY status around the Indigo household here, which could go one of two ways in July.

One: I act like a wild and wacky middle schooler at a boy band concert.
Or two: I try to avoid acting like a middle schooler at a boy band concert and play it too cool and leave sad and regretful.

And since I’ve always wanted to have an blog. I decided this was the time.

Here goes nothing!

1 comment:

  1. I love this! Good for you for giving it a go, even if it's just once in a while. I look forward to meeting you next weekend!
