Sunday, February 23, 2014

Ice Cream for Breakfast

So no blogs for a week. Great job! You’re off to a great start!

I like how most bloggers blog every day and then take off during the weekend. I’m like - weekend GO!

I also like how it took me at least 10 minutes of my precious morning one kids watching Blue’s Clue’s and one is playing Flappy Bird mommy “alone time” to figure out my gmail/blogger username/password situation.

To be fair, I’m recovering from my husband being out of town for 4 or 5 days last weekend and being in the trenches or art show mania at school.

But it’s pretty much over so I went ahead and linked to Jen’s 7 posts in 7 days thing. Yeah, that should go well. Especially because I’ve got some fun family coming into town Wednesday and my house looks. You know - AWESOME. If by awesome you mean, the carpet is covered with raisins and cheerios and a spilled green smoothie.

I have been thinking about something regarding kids: Do you think all kids have some hot button control issues with important life skills. My older son has always been sleep. From the time he was 2 days old he’d refuse. Battle after battle. I thought all kids were like this.

Until #2 was born. I don’t think I’d give him any big awards for being a super sleeper. But he’d give in easily. No nightly battles or naptime struggles. Eating however, is where he has chosen to exercise his power. Other than any dessert type thing the only things I can count on him to eat are frozen waffles, bacon, raisins and pizza. Recently I’ve gotten him to eat Cheerios and occasionally part of a banana and a clementine orange. So I wasn’t surprised last weekend when he woke up demanding ICE CREAM for breakfast.

He’s 2, so everything is highly dramatic and when he didn’t get ice cream for breakfast (even though we have NEVER HAD ICE CREAM FOR BREAKFAST!) it was a big fit. So I tried “time out” the super nanny way. But since I was solo parenting, continuing to put him back in the corner when he ran out was NOT happening. And I hadn’t finished my coffee yet, I took him up to his room and put him in the pack n play (where he sleeps...long story).

I let some time go by and went back to rescue him. I’d noticed he’d been very quiet, which is strange. He was sitting bare-a**ed with all the blankets, diaper, pants all thrown out. He looked quite pleased. “Woman, if you don’t get me ice cream for breakfast, I WILL take my diaper off in time out.”

Luckily the diaper was dry. But still: butt on the bed. Gross. That’s when I had to make the decision NOT to freak out. Because that’s like basically telling him - oh yeah, that really pisses mom off, you should definitely do it again. But my poker face ain’t winning any awards. So at nap time, same thing happened. He found my Achilles heel.
That night he went to bed wearing a onesie I thankfully found and we haven’t had any of that since. And you know what he demanded for breakfast the next morning? McDonalds!


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